Cost Allocation and Indirect Cost Computation
Cost Allocation and Indirect Cost Computation

CMA team can help you in the process of identifying, aggregating costs to appropriate cost objectives. A cost object is any activity or item for which you want to separately measure costs. Examples of cost objects could be a product, a research project, a customer, a sales region, or a department. For many federal government contractors and grantees, the cost allocation and indirect costs rate calculation or its independent review is of utmost importance. CMA has been providing indirect cost computation for engineering consulting firms, both small and large, for over 20 years and withstood state and federal oversight reviews.
Government contractors must classify, segregate, allocate and report allowable costs, unallowable costs, direct costs, and indirect costs by cost pools (activities). We are experienced in assisting clients comply with cost accounting standards, FAR cost allocation principles, and DCAA audit requirements. We can help your company develop a documented policies and procedures that are strictly followed to meet government audit requirements.
We help our clients design accounting system that enables to separately track costs such as direct and indirect costs, general and administrative costs through full/partial integration with your timekeeping system and other efficient mechanism.