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Regulatory / Compliance Audits

Having provided years of service to state and local governments for their compliance audit needs, CMA, in many ways, specialized in federal and state program compliance audits.

Compliance audits

Are you Complaint?

CMA is a premier provider of quality single audits under the Uniform Guidance, with several audits completed each year for varying size entities and sectors. Our professionals have an extensive experience in this field and have performed federal award compliance audits of our clients and assist our clients through the regulations that apply to them.

Timeliness you can count on

Our Quality Assurance Guarantees Audit Efficiency

By engaging CMA, you are working with a firm that that had expertise in single audits and your audit will be completed in a thorough and timely fashion, and our professionals will share relevant experience and insights with you throughout the audit process that will help for better understanding of federal grant requirements and facilitate for smooth completion of the audit. CMA adopted a system of quality control and safeguards applicable to every audit engagement, to provide a comprehensive system that serves to prevent a substandard performance. We have pass on the past three Peer Reviews which is great testimony of our quality work.